Weight management is very impotant element to control blood sugar and maintain your hormone balance. This requires a change in your diet as well as your exercise habits. Here are recommendations for you:
1) Eat three meals per day
The everage person need 3 balance meals a day. If you get hungry throughout the day, eat a small handful of nuts (except peanuts) about 10 o'clock in the morning and 3 o'clock in the afternoon to ease hunger. Nuts are great way to stablise your blood sugar and provide valuable nutrients.
2) Dont skip meal
Do not skip meal especially breakfast. Skipping meals signals your body to go into starvation mode, and your body will authomatically reduce its metabolic rate.
3) Avoid artificial sweeteners
The sugar taste of sweeteners such as aspartame and Splenda in your mouth triggers the release of insulin even with no sugar present.
4) Avoid soft drink and fruit juice
5) Start Exercising
Exercise provide many important benefits. It increases lean body tissues, burns fat, increase sensitivity to insulin and raise your metabolic rate.
6) Eliminates processed foods
They are loaded with sugars and preservatives which are very bad for your health.
7) Eat lean and healthy fats
Consume some forem of healthy omega-3 oils.
Joy Heath Marketing Japan is commited to introduce the Japanese healthcare and slimming products. Check www.joyhealthmarketing.com for slimming products.
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