Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Bowel Cleansing For Weight Loss-Is It Safe and Effective?

Bowel cleansing is a regimen that has been practiced ever since ancient Eastern medicine was common. This process that has been known for many years in the East is quickly becoming a new diet for the West. What exactly is bowel cleansing? Is it safe for healthy weight loss?

A simple explanation for what a bowel cleansing is comes down to this - it is what Western medicine would call a laxative. Proponents of bowel cleansing say that their methods are more natural and effective than a traditional laxative. The truth of the matter is that if you increase the water content than is found in the large colon, this will act sort of like a wash. It will help to empty the bowel.

There are numerous ways to conduct a bowel cleansing. There are different ingredients found in all of them. The one thing that is common with all of these methods is that they contain natural substances that are not able to be digested.

Fiber is one substance that is found in many methods for bowel cleansing. The fiber will remain in the bowel and will trap water. This will increase the water content found in the bowel. The result is that the pressure and tension inside of the bowel will increase, and the ultimate result will be a large bowel movement that consists mostly of undigested food.

A healthy weight loss program consists of losing fat mass while preserving muscle mass and avoiding dehydration. An ideal weight loss program will incorporate healthy eating habits with adequate water intake and mild to moderate exercise at least three or four times per week.

The weight loss that is seen after a bowel cleansing is mainly the result of water loss. This is not considered a healthy way of losing weight. It is a temporary cause for weight loss, and the weight will be gained back quickly soon after the bowel cleansing has been completed. There are a few small studies that did show different results with some of the bowel cleansing methods, but not many.

There are some bowel cleansing methods that are safe, but they need to be used with caution. They are also not recommended for weight loss. The best weight loss program is one that is designed for weight loss in the long term.
Joy Heath Marketing Japan is commited to introduce the Japanese healthcare and slimming products. Check www.joyhealthmarketing.com for slimming products.
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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Weight Management and Blood Sugar

Weight Management and Blood Sugar

Weight management is very impotant element to control blood sugar and maintain your hormone balance. This requires a change in your diet as well as your exercise habits. Here are recommendations for you:

1) Eat three meals per day

The everage person need 3 balance meals a day. If you get hungry throughout the day, eat a small handful of nuts (except peanuts) about 10 o'clock in the morning and 3 o'clock in the afternoon to ease hunger. Nuts are great way to stablise your blood sugar and provide valuable nutrients.

2) Dont skip meal
Do not skip meal especially breakfast. Skipping meals signals your body to go into starvation mode, and your body will authomatically reduce its metabolic rate.

3) Avoid artificial sweeteners
The sugar taste of sweeteners such as aspartame and Splenda in your mouth triggers the release of insulin even with no sugar present.

4) Avoid soft drink and fruit juice

5) Start Exercising
Exercise provide many important benefits. It increases lean body tissues, burns fat, increase sensitivity to insulin and raise your metabolic rate.

6) Eliminates processed foods
They are loaded with sugars and preservatives which are very bad for your health.

7) Eat lean and healthy fats
Consume some forem of healthy omega-3 oils.

Joy Heath Marketing Japan is commited to introduce the Japanese healthcare and slimming products. Check www.joyhealthmarketing.com for slimming products.

Check "Your diabetes Guide" Here - This shocking story that may save your life!

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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Facts About Master Cleanse Diet That Made Beyonce Knowles Lose Weight!

The Facts About Master Cleanse Diet That Made Beyonce Knowles Lose Weight!

The Master cleanse diet has gotten a lot of publicity recently. I am sure the many of you have heard about the incredible results from this diet.

This is an incredibly stupid diet to go on. First of all, it is basically only water, maple syrup, lemon juice, and cayenne pepper. The only thing in this entire lineup that keeps you from starving too quickly is the maple syrup. There is nothing special about adding maple syrup to this diet - you would do the same thing by adding several teaspoons of sugar or honey to the concoction.

Next, you add lemon juice. After adding this to the water along with the maple syrup, all you have is a strange lemonade. Nothing in this diet is special.

Finally, you add the cayenne pepper. Other than to make the very strange lemonade concoction you have extremely nasty, the only other possible effect of the cayenne pepper would possibly be to irritate your gastrointestinal tract and possibly cause you to have diarrhea.

In short, this diet is very similar to using laxatives and taking some type of laxative tea is also recommended along with the homemade peppery lemonade mix. Some diets encourage the abuse of laxatives in order to promote weight loss. This is a very misguided effort. The only thing that abusing laxatives will do is to increase the amount of water you lose, not to affect the amount of nutrients absorbed.

Dehydration is a distinct possibility with this type of diet. The laxative effects from both the peppery lemonade-with-maple-syrup beverage that you create, in addition to the laxative tea that is recommended and be harmful to your health.

There are some who argue that this is not actually a diet. They will say that it intended to only be a detoxification program. While this might be true, it is being promoted as a diet and not just a cleansing program.

Truthfully, there are many ways detoxify your body without following a dangerous regimens such as the Master cleanse diet. 15 minutes daily in a sauna can do wonders to remove any toxins that might be in your system, and it would be a whole lot safer than trying to follow this dangerous diet that is really nothing more than a fancy way to starve yourself.
Joy Health Marketing is specialising in the study of Japanese weight loss method. For more information, check http://www.japaneseslimmingearring.com/
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5 Reasons Why You Don't Need to Waste Time or Money on Detox Diets!

Detox diets are very popular right now, but are they necessary?
Here are five reasons why you do not need to waste your time or money on detox diets:

1. You do not need a boost for your weight-loss program. A lot people will start a detox program because they think that it will give them a boost with a diet. They think that by losing several pounds in a short amount of time that it will help them to lose weight in the long run. This is normally not true and most people will regain the weight very quickly. By doing a detox program in losing weight assuming an insufficient amount of calories, you are sabotaging your diet from the very beginning.

2. You do not need to clean out your system. Many of the people who promote detox diets lead you to believe that you need to have your system flushed out in order to have your colon work properly. While having a healthy digestive system important, this can be achieved through ordinary choices that have high fiber and by drinking plenty of water.

3. You do not need to remove toxins from your body. Many of the people who promote detox diets are very vague in what their definition of a toxin is. This is done on purpose so that the diet promoter can attract a broader spectrum of people as customers. With very few exceptions, your body can remove all the toxins it needs to.

4. You may or may not feel better when you do it. Some people do report feelings of increased energy when they are on a detox diet. While this may be a psychological reaction that occurs when you first begin the detox diet, if you restrict calories for more than a day or two, you will begin to experience a decline in your energy. Your body simply is not designed to run on very few calories for any length of time.

5. There are plenty of ways to cleanse your body without actually doing a detox cleansing. While the people who promote these detox diets want you to believe that you can make up for years of unhealthy eating habits in a matter of days, it simply is not true. The best way to detoxify your body is to remove items such as fast food, coffee, and desserts for a certain period of time. Drink plenty of water. Eat only certified organic produce. Your results will be much better.
Joy Health Marketing is specialising in the study of Japanese weight loss method.
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Can Acupuncture Help You Lose Weight?

In recent years, more and more people are trying out acupuncture to lose weight. Just what is acupuncture? How can acupuncture treatment help you lose weight?

Acupuncture is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and has been around for about 5,000 years. It is the practice of inserting very thin needles to stimulate pathways or meridians in the body to treat many illnesses and diseases especially to relieve pain from chronic disorders. Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners or TCM physicians claim that acupuncture can help you to lose body fat by making you feel full and so will eat less. This curbs excess caloric consumption in the patient treated with acupuncture and is a great help in the patient’s weight loss program. Acupuncture treatment can also be used to raise your metabolic rate and help you to burn more calories to speed up weight loss.

Some Chinese medicine practitioners say that acupuncture stimulates the production of a hormone called endorphins and this hormone helps to lower body fat, insulin and lipid levels in the bloodstream thus less insulin is converted into body fat. There are also some other acupuncture treatment like ear point acupuncture slimming treatment like the recent poplar ear stapling slimming.
Joy Health Marketing is specialising in the study of Japanese weight loss method. For more information, check http://www.japaneseslimmingearring.com/

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